I never go clubbing until June celebrated her birthday last night. June invited me to go her party days ago, while I found it difficult to refuse as well as she’s my belle sister. After working, I met my sisters, Joyce and Jane, with a cake, which Mum reminded me buying a present for June.
I didn’t feel any excitement yet rather felt coy. My two sisters had dolled up themselves, to be more ATTRACTIVE, which I have no doubt. While we had reached the place, HarbourFront precinct next to VivoCity, the largest retail and lifestyle complex, I was almost regretting. Right, the place is called St James Power Station. June waited for us outside the Disco together with her friends (mostly guys) and… her new boyfriend.
INSIDE was dark with atmosphere. Electronic techno music collection was terribly loud bass and it beaten your heartbeat. Everyone seems to know each others. Differently, I was the one to be shy in the presence of strangers. I was just sitting at the back bar and so frightening to watch those people dancing, hanging with one another, chatting along and even… kissing.
Actually, inside the Disco, you can’t see clearly as well. Because of the smoke and people do cigarette. Colourful spot lights were dancing with the charm of techno music, people at the dancing pool, they did ‘shaking’ high. DJs were at the font facing, working out their mixtures of own music. Immerse into a refreshingly distinctive watering hole with the atmosphere and music and its encompassing entertainment.
I was at the bar, and many jugs of green tea and bottles of alcohol. They mixed green tea with alcohol. I drank two glasses even thought of having ‘drunk’. Well, the taste was really bad and I can’t be drunk with little alcohol. By the way, sisters were stopping me having more slips. Yet I realised three of my Charlie’s Angles (Jane, June and Joyce), were drunk. We sang the birthday song at 12.00am.
Watching people around and catching what they were thinking. June was too high chatting with her ‘friends’ and moving around. Jane was drunk, sitting beside me resting. Joyce… hah… Probably the music was too loud, and everyone talks were facing each one so close and even ear to mouth. What do you think if a woman talks to a guy like in the way? Joyce seemed to like flirting. Most important is she did that in front of me. Oh my god.
It’s almost 1.30 am. I was really so unfriendly down there boring and keep asking Jane what time we are going home. Okay, I know I spoiled the tone.
I went the locker and took my items. Joyce went home with me. We took cabs outside the clubs.
… On the way, while we were still inside in the cab… Joyce’s mobile rang.
Hag. It was the guy at the Disco she just knew (or flirted with before).
If you like clubbing, it’s good heavens to you.
If you dislike clubbing, it’s for heaven’s sake you even thought.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Not the time yet.
Wise.cracked by
9:10 AM
Big Mouths
Monday, March 19, 2007
oh, really?
Guys Like That You're Sensitive |
Well, this is want i call. Nonsense..
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Busy |
While a relationship sounds nice, you're strapped for time Whether you're legitimately busy or just making excuses... ... You don't give men enough of your time. As nice as "instant love" would be, there's just no such thing. |
Wise.cracked by
1:56 AM
Big Mouths
Friday, March 9, 2007
Losing nights.
Guess what I'm doing this hours? ...
No ideas?
You probably think I'm really mad.
I'm reading the Road Navtigator. It's a book which divided the island, Singapore, on the map for easy reference. I can't really drive outside the road without knowing which roads are.
All I started focusing in is the sectors which near the east, which are somewhere my house and working place. Cause' I will travel more offen in those places. So for the rest, I think I need for a period of time to get notice of it.
The coming saturday, the car is areally.
Well, I'm excited seriously.
Ps: heys, why no big mouths?
Wise.cracked by
2:35 AM
Big Mouths
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Present quack quack.
Lol. I got the 'duck' today from one of the staff. She bought it at the mall and gave to me for my birthday. It's a balloon, which has the shape of duckie and it can walk lightly while we bring along.
Woo, now i gonna put it in my room. Happy. :)
Wise.cracked by
2:21 AM
Big Mouths
Friday, March 2, 2007
shit, is't my birthday?
Right, it’s My Birthday. I dun feel 'big' special on the day. I mean it’s just a la-la relaxing day, my off-day I met out my friend goes shopping and stuffs. Of cause’, Mei Yun met me out today. It was only me and her. We went to Singapore Plaza and etc. I knew she’s not really engrossed into shopping. But most of ours time, we always make at Tampine or Parkway, so boring and dry. So this time round, I bought her into town, and simply she could know the places are. There have what we really want. Window shopping around the area and after, then we went to K BOX and sang all our voice out loud, and were feeling damn GREAT.
We have the enjoyment, which we were waiting for, since everyone was busying.
I went back to work at 7 plus while Yun went home.
Well, Mum has not at home yet, and now I dun really have a birthday cake at my birthday. Om.
P.s : Yun and I really fell deep in love. When we sang love song together, musics were beautiful and pretty nice. Hey, when is the next outing? I mean singing.
Wise.cracked by
12:16 AM
Big Mouths