If you bother to read, this is the right place you are reading, duck. I'm going luck. Quack.
Wise.cracked by
11:59 AM
Big Mouths
God. Browsing the net with a few clicks, my brother Jack came across my site; and just knew I have a guy outside. He jolted. Never ever wonder he promised me not to tell anyone at home yet. Yeah I doubt. He would want anything as an excuse. At the living room, on the dinning table, in dad’s office, he would like to tease me. Perhaps he might threaten me incase anything happen. My luck oh mans.
It sounded good when Dad and Mum are going away from home again and so lesser nonsense my silly brother making on me. Joyce will be stay with two of us in the house until ours parent were back home. Of course, Dad prepared our requirement, such as can foods, door keys, daily timetable for the maid, a little bit of cash and etc. He freaking reminded me, PLS DON’T FORGET this and that. Nor can a man, independently . . . of God's blessing, care and cark myself one penny richer.
Got my little bit concern how should I talk to my parent about Shawn. They rather have not idea I’m seeing someone outside. Guess a right timing talking about it will make vary different. At least, I know he is comfortable in stable relationship we’ve been like now than he used to argue me even though.
Poor thing that he could fetch me after work at nowhere the bus stop and drop me just near-by few units away from my house. It would be frightening if Dad just happen to walk out of the house. Yeas, I'm reading his mind hopping this to happen someday…
So, what is love?
OS: Happy birthday to Dad and Shawn.
Wise.cracked by
10:35 AM
Big Mouths
I backed my promise not to contact Mary until she makes the first move, but failed. I called her and fortunately we ended a nice talking late night. Like favorite fresh homemade goodness, Mary spend her entire holiday at home do make those cookies and cupcakes even thought she had made some sweet bakery brownies for my birthday present. ;) Best buddies!
One of the days, I went down to look for her in the morning as if we were going for our early breakfast. Beat time and time, she invited me to her place since the sky getting darker. Yes, I was looking for a shelter…
Familiar faces, Mary’s Mum at home too. And her sleeping brother eventually was going back to the army camp.
Mary kept herself a book of recipes of cookies and sweet course. By browsing on the net and exchanging recipes with schoolmates, Mary kept certain of her ‘secret recipes’ so the book is up! Perhaps, she got plenty of time, at home.
As a promise, Mary let me join in the bakery. ‘Thin Mints’, which are any of several varieties of cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as a fundraiser for their local scout units. It is Girl Scout cookie season. Every SINGLE year my schoolmates in Girl Scout make their sales ordering for cookies. I can't help myself, who can? A box only sets you back a few bucks, and for that you get to relive the flavors of your youth.
It was the initial making indeed. Therefore, I didn’t really help too much. We made the cookie dough. Place the dough in the freezer for 20 minutes to chill but Mary would freezer a day after and then, rollout and bake, and make the peppermint coating to the finishing the cookies. So I didn’t see much.
She sent me pictures of these cookies which I think it looks delicious. Yet the tastes have to be improve, she wrote an email to me.
Wise.cracked by
2:25 AM
Big Mouths
Like what I always say, 'Try it, and you'll love it.'. My previous opinion to people wearing FAKE lashes onto their eyes, they have overlook themselves, and wise to be, they have to dramatic. After the surgery, I got myself to use them, instant with my daily massacre and eye liner. Indeed I’m trying not to rub against my eye since them have not totally recovered. It took months. But now I try I may like to use fake ones until I’m bored with. At least, it saves more time than putting massacre and so I'm lazy.
During the period, I was resting at home, when i "lay low" for about 6 days. I do draft practices put lashes onto the eyes. I deadly don't really know how to works to put that to small effective things onto my eyes, that even doing some researching on the net.
So many of kind FABULOUS EYE LASHES! Hardly fuss thought; I always use the NYX, the band. I guess I really love the texture and even the cool definition.
I have been looking for EL 113 over the all SASA stores in Singapore BUT they are still out of stock!
Wise.cracked by
10:40 AM
Big Mouths
Two of my pals came down to look for me dinner, a few days ago. Guess they freaking bored sitting with me, while waiting FOR FOOD. Yes, we still ended up playing like a kids. Shooting. Phews phew...
Wise.cracked by
2:16 AM
Big Mouths
Read me through my moods.
Surfing Net News.
1st time in history, a married who used to be a woman, is pregnant with a baby girl...
Read the bare news.
OS: Will men have pregnantness in the next future? Come on, just give women a break!
Wise.cracked by
8:43 AM
Big Mouths