Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Laptop. Laptop. Laptop...

I have taken leave of my sense, telling myself to be more money minded. Thought of saving enough, not asking from my parent, to buy a laptop. Greedy devil. Even my lunch I have to ask Dad to cook for me at home. You may ask I am going to be stingy. And I guess yes, on my way though.

Mum is being between the devil and the deep blue sea. Either for waiting any miracles or instant treatments. But both don’t sound good. Once again, woke up early and accompanied Mum to the Thong Chai Medical Institution, which in town. Half of my day was spent in the clinic, waited for our turn and I was thinking to complain. Whatever.

OS: Pls dun asks me out currently. Cause’ money just gone like that.

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