Lately, I’ve been mixed socially of fussy. You know customers, been picky about your things you sell. Perhaps, it’s not the deal of the pricing. Look at the way people to judge every parts of a thing; particular about petty detail, certainly I always see hard to satisfy. And what happen likewise to me when I’m fussy?
When I skip dinner because none of the pots in kitchen gave a whiff of my favorite dishes, I’m fussy. I’ll tell Mum, ‘Nah, no thanks.’
When I scrunch my nose and wipe the tip of the toilet bowl with tissue, someone doesn’t put the toilet seat down.
When I satisfy any pants in the shop, especially I’m merchandiser, knowing their cuttings fit into me.
The funny thing is I’m not particularly picky. I don’t get anxious when a restaurant fails to serve up-to standard. I don’t pull a long face when someone gets late to meet up. That said, as I strive to be older and wiser, I have decided to keep myself in check.
When I drop a guy who’s potentially husband material from my list because our humour-sharing sessions were as off-killer as, a stand up, I’m fussy.
And one fateful conversation with Helen, my colleague, that she thought I refused to budge from my requirements if only pledging commitment guy who total package- kind, street-smart, self-assured man who shares my sense of humour. (Yeah. Obviously, she doesn’t know I’m dating with someone.) “It seems to be a small matter that he doesn’t have the same sense of humour as you do. Don’t you think you’re being too fussy?” she said.
As that point, it struck me that my so-called fussiness has been equated with sky-high expectations. I don’t need him to have looks and the liquidity of David Beckham. All I’m asking for is someone who has a similar set of qualities as mine.
You may able to identify with me at some point in your life, perhaps. We work hard to get that promotion, sign up for spa sessions and dancing classes, pay for our own Gucci, and think nothing of jet-setting half-way the world. We are living, to a large extent, by our own rules. We set those standard rules for ourselves, and our standards often equated with happiness. Of course, things don’t always go our way, and we learn to make the best of it while even don’t stop striving fulfill our standard in tosses.
Certainly, there are those who carry their own realistic expectations throughout their lives and never seen content. It’s all fine if they affect only themselves, but it’s not cool if they make life difficult for others.
If being fussy is about seeking your own happiness and making no apologies, then I shall not blame my customers.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
the F word.
Wise.cracked by
3:28 AM
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yup gal, having high expectations may not neccessary mean fussy. i guess everyone else would want the very best for themselves. life is too short to regret!
Haha.I never reget anything in my life or maybe not yet there... Yeah, but I think someday you should see im fussy, a fussy girl. :p
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