I got A BIT freak out when I went to work, seeing Helen with her left hand look like this. 

The 'IN' thing for now, is Edison Chan scandalous issue, is a super hot topic in Hong Kong now. It's all over the net and still on everywhere, even the photos have been burned and duplicated into CDs and openly sold on the streets in Shenzhen深圳, China. The sex scandal photo CDs were selling like hot cakes and the demand for the CD was extremely high. Edison Chen, Gillian Chung and Cecilia Cheong photo series doesn’t stop there. Rumors are circulating that the Edison sex scandal photos have actually been leaked out before the photos appeared in the internet. Many people believe there are more porno and sex photos involving artistes such as Jolin Tsai, Maggie Q and even the Japanese actress Anne Suzuki which will be exposed if ongoing negotiations are not successful. This continuous revelation has exposed the sexual glut in the Chinese entertainment industry. But the shock element may wear off soon and the public may get tired of the never-ending sexual poses. Sexual titillation may turn into grandmother’s tales if the publisher is not careful. But the count for naked celebrities having sex with Edison may break the Guinness World record yet. Who knows?

One humor Hongkee uses their names to design the advertisement of sausage and abalone, namely Edison Sausage and Gillian Abalone. You should know why he chose sausage and abalone!
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