Staying in my room, I lived with boredom a few days back. Despite of obtaining back my eyes from its surgery I've mentioned early, no ones will save me just from the sky. Of course, I'm not going out to wherelse until my buises just getting off my face. People might thought I just have a fight and happened badly to my eyes. It's so hateful while Mary came to my house and gave me presents, but anyway still thanks to her. She made wonderful cupcakes. But I don't care, apparently I waited for the recovery. So well, I was just walking around the house where I could get myself, looking out for tasks I could help so.
Tasks done:
Draw out the various kind of jackets. In the scapbook.
Play my pipa. Clean its cover too.
'Spring clean' my room. Mess it and arrange everythings back.
Play Jackass PSP. Finish all 7 episodes.
Surf the net and check all e-mails.
I received a email from Xueqi. ' Try it Quite true.'

ps: I only have 8 close friends?!
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