Sunday, June 22, 2008

'Butterfiles in my stomach.'

It's really cool Shawn's aunt asked him to put me along to his cousin's wedding dinner. I did really glad they wanted' to see me. But I don't really know why I kept worried myself from seeing his relatives although I'm not up to ugly. 'What should I wear for dinner?' Okay, it have been a few years back I have attented the last wedding dinner, if I could remember it was at Orchard. 'What should I do if I meet up all his aunties and uncles?' From his information, he have 11 sisters and brothers in this Dad's family tree. Okay, I owned that. I think I should be quiet and look around stare. This is me. Ha-ha.

From the start of the day, it was lousy. I mean I went to work for half-day and I almost got screw up by my customers. Unless I stop thinking I'm seeing his important relatives, thing may be better. But somewhere there is a time I still have to met them. My confidence kills me firstly.

Shawn picked me up from my workplace with a bit of delay because his sister, Cindy trimmed her fringe. I used to be like this before in my high school.

Together with his dad, we reached there almost late but I can't bother so much. I'm SHY!

Step into the elegant ambience of a bygone era and engage in an affair that will lead us to the most momentous occasion of life, just the way I imagine it to be.

There were lot of people, half of them are Shawn's relatives. We shared the same table with Shawn's one of the eldest uncle and family. And I sat next to Shawn and Cindy. Probably I glad the right time chat with Cindy, knowing her and the families of all. She was really friendly and never know she might go to the another table in the mid of dining , chatting with aunties and uncles.

Not of all, actually vary a way the aunties were big delighted and warmhearted to me. Like very close, which I don't know why. Shawn introduced me to them table to table. I hope I can remember SOME of them.
You know I take time.

At least, I don't fart around and I know them more because I wanted to...
Right, Shawn?

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